About Abby
I'm a copywriter and the founder of Studio Tell, a copywriting studio dedicated to writing clear and ethical copy that will effectively connect with you audience and build real life community.
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Life-Giving Things This Spring


June is here! As a celebration of the end of spring and beginning of summer, I thought it would be fun to write a more light-hearted post featuring some of my favorite, most life-giving things from spring 2023. I’m always looking for ways to see the good and live an integrated life, and this is one.

#1 Working outside

Planting grass, pulling weeds, making plans… It’s one of our favorite ways to spend evenings if we’re not too worn out from the day. It’s truly therapeutic for Marshall and I to wear ourselves out and get our hands dirty with working outside. I’ve always said that one of my top pieces of advice for running a business from home is to take a break and get outside, and that is still true.

#2 Trip to Indiana + Pennsylvania!

We took our (what is becoming) annual spring trip to PA again! This time we flew to Chicago and visited our dear friends Ethan and Melody, and then road-tripped with them to a wedding in Lancaster, PA. We got to reunite with Marshall’s class and see other dear friends, and it was so lovely. (Except I got sick at the end, which was less lovely.)

#3 Audiobooks

This year I’ve been enjoying more long-form audio. I have the Libby app connected to my library card and it is SO FUN to listen to hefty, interesting books while I accomplish other things like cleaning my house. I especially love listening to memoirs read by the author.

#4 Marriage

Marriage has been such a gift for us always, but we’ve been noticing it more than ever the past few months. Our favorite thing is to be together, talking or laughing or hanging out or being goofy. We’ve been attempting a once-a-week date night, and even though we don’t accomplish it every week, it is something we look forward to so much when we do.

What was life-giving from your spring?

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About Abby

I'm a copywriter and the founder of Studio Tell, a copywriting studio dedicated to writing clear and ethical copy that will effectively connect with you audience and build real life community.




Styled Shoots




I'm the founder of Studio Tell, a writer since I was small, and in love with sunshine and my husband Marshall.

My favorite thing is meeting fellow business owners who are passionate about making the world better with what they sell... but sometimes feel unsure about how to articulate it. I'd love to be friends. For real.

Hello, friends! I'm Abby.

And I'm a 


And I'm a copywriter

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