About Abby
I'm a copywriter and the founder of Studio Tell, a copywriting studio dedicated to writing clear and ethical copy that will effectively connect with you audience and build real life community.
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Yearly Refresh: What Website Copy Should You Prioritize?

Website Copy

With the new year comes the urge to clean up, refresh, and make sure your business is on track for another year. One of the most crucial places to do this? Your website copy.

Why is a copy refresh so critical? Simply this: if you do not keep your website fresh and up to date, it will eventually hurt your business. Potential clients will respond in the same way you would if you came across a site that was confusing, outdated, or totally different from someone’s presence on social media. Most likely, you would click out and probably be frustrated that you can’t understand what their business is all about or how you can get the service or product you were considering.

Here is the big question though: how can you know what copy you should prioritize as we head into a new year? Websites can be daunting. There is an endless amount of copy on each page. What is most important to update?

#1 Prioritize the copy on your home page

The first impression potential clients will get from your website will most often be from your home page! You only have a few seconds to invite them in and let them know what your business is all about. Do you use your copy to tell your clients who you are and how you can help them? Do they quickly see that you understand what they struggle with and where they are at? 

#2 Prioritize copy that guides people through your site

Your website should be easy to navigate. Are the next steps obvious to your clients? It is easy for us to overlook this inside our own sites, but take the time to go through your website as if you are a potential client. Do you understand where you should go next? 

#3 Prioritize copy that makes your mission clear

Your elevator pitch (the quick and clear one-liner of what your business is all about) should be readily accessible on your website’s home page, but your mission should be clear throughout your whole site. As you go through and update for the new year, prioritize copy that spotlights your unique selling points, and why you are even in business! 

#4 Prioritize keeping your copy relevant 

Is your website copy current and accurate? This may be the most important update you make to your copy. Your copy should accurately reflect your current offers, prices, and details, on every page!

Sit back and take a deep breath, knowing you’ve prioritized the words that are most important on your website!

Once you’ve completed these four steps, you are well on your way to having a website that is refreshed and ready for a new year. Enjoy knowing that your potential clients who visit your site are able to understand and find what they need, and purchase the product or service you have that will most impact their life.

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About Abby

I'm a copywriter and the founder of Studio Tell, a copywriting studio dedicated to writing clear and ethical copy that will effectively connect with you audience and build real life community.




Styled Shoots




I'm the founder of Studio Tell, a writer since I was small, and in love with sunshine and my husband Marshall.

My favorite thing is meeting fellow business owners who are passionate about making the world better with what they sell... but sometimes feel unsure about how to articulate it. I'd love to be friends. For real.

Hello, friends! I'm Abby.

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And I'm a copywriter

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