About Abby
I'm a copywriter and the founder of Studio Tell, a copywriting studio dedicated to writing clear and ethical copy that will effectively connect with you audience and build real life community.
Brand Copy

Is Copy or Design More Important? A Brand Case Study

Brand Copy

I’m writing this from a worn couch in a beautiful coffee shop in my town. Bond and Bevel has all the feelings of a modern mercantile—black walls, custom leather goods, and a row of snake plants hiding the espresso machines. It is the perfect combination of the untamed wilderness and booming industry that the Treasure Valley is right now.

Here is the thing about this coffee shop. It is a superb blend of so many different elements.

First, of course, there’s coffee. The drink options are listed on a letter board, and the coffee is good.

Then there’s the logo. It’s painted in bold letters on the street-facing window, and it sets the tone. With old-fashioned lettering and the words mercantile and coffee house right under the name, it gives all the feelings of a modern pioneer town—like it is.

The quality leather work is another major feature of the coffee shop. Brown backpacks hang on the walls, along with lanterns, candles, leather and desert colored sweatshirts, and the occasional ax.

I haven’t even mentioned the people. Behind the counter there is a small host of friendly locals taking orders and calling out drinks when they are done

It all combines to make a unique atmosphere. It is warm, welcoming, and genuinely special. There’s something different about it.

Okay, so obviously it’s a nice coffee shop, you might be thinking, But what’s the point?

The point is this: it’s not just one single thing that makes the coffee shop wonderful.

It is also not going to be just one thing that makes your website (and your whole business) wonderful.

As you know, I’m a copywriter, and I can definitely tell you good reasons that the copy on your website is crucial.

But if the copy on your website or in your marketing is not paired with good design, good experience, and overall quality, it’s not going to be as effective. Not to say that it can’t be effective at all! But I don’t think it will be as effective.

One of the questions I always ask my clients is “If your brand was a building, how would it feel?” Keep that in mind as you develop your business and write your copy. Remember you’re creating an overall feeling, not a singular piece of copy or design or an isolated interaction with your client.

Also—enjoy the process! Not very many people are lucky enough to get to create a little world.

Download the guide to Finding Your Ideal Client.

Building a beautiful and effective brand starts with knowing who you are building it for. In order to nail down exactly who you would love to work with, click here to download the free Ideal Client Guide.

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About Abby

I'm a copywriter and the founder of Studio Tell, a copywriting studio dedicated to writing clear and ethical copy that will effectively connect with you audience and build real life community.




Styled Shoots




I'm the founder of Studio Tell, a writer since I was small, and in love with sunshine and my husband Marshall.

My favorite thing is meeting fellow business owners who are passionate about making the world better with what they sell... but sometimes feel unsure about how to articulate it. I'd love to be friends. For real.

Hello, friends! I'm Abby.

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And I'm a copywriter

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